High-Performance Valve Jacketing
QMax Electric Heating Jackets are Custom made from aluminum and are designed to maintain specific process temperatures on process equipment such as flanges, nozzles, valves, pumps, meters, strainers and more. QMax EHJ's house a removable electric cartridge heater that conducts heat through the aluminum to create a "heat shield" effect around the component. Use QMax EHJ's in electric tracing applications instead of wrapping the valve with electric tracing.
Advantages of QMax Heating Jackets over wrapping electric tracing around the component:
Less Installation Time
Reusable Jacket
Covers entire component including flanges which are Heat Sinks
Consistent Performance
QMax jackets are specifically designed for your application whether it is a common valve or a one-of-a-kind piece of equipment. In most cases, QMax can design the jacket while the component is inline or in the manufacturing facility. Please fill out our QMax EHJ Evaluation Questionnaire and send it to your representative for individual application attention.
QMax EHJ Technical Specifications:
Body Material: A319 Cast Aluminum
Thermal Conductivity: ~754 BTU inch/hr ft^2 F
Maximum Temperature: 750 F (399 C)
Cartridge Heater: {varies}
Standard Rating: 600 F (315 C) (call for higher ratings)